Saturday, March 28, 2015


We decided to have a R & R day. Yes you are right a Rest and Recreation day.

What it means for us is a drive to Ontario! And I had 2 boxes of stuff to give to Sally Ann.

But first we stopped at our neighborhood hardware store to get some supplies for tomorrow (reno day). We needed a tape gun to help us with the boxes.

We got one and 2 rolls of tape for $11.59 plus tax.

Our first stop in Cornwall, Ontario is always Value Village....I took great pictures.

                                                    If I still had my Etsy store , I would've picked this right up.

                                            As a cat lover I found this both cute and scary!!!

                                           You need t really LOVE bagels to have a bagel cradle in your
                                          This is RARE, so RARE! A complete chip n dip set!
                                          If it had been Pyrex, I think I would've had cardiac arrest...

                                         I nearly bought this deliciously tacky Florida bowl, but remembered
                                         Dan's instructions (don't bring anything home unless it is the Pyrex of
                                         your dreams/something really amazing!)

                                          Speaking of amazing....I left this bar set on the shelf because it
                                          was missing one piece on the right. We are planning to have a bar
                                          in the new place but we haven't really discussed the specifics.

                                          Speaking of bar...How about a round of booze roulette?
                                          new in original package?

                                          Seeing Pyrex , even Old Orchard bowls, makes me happy.

                                                    Now onto lamps....
                                                    The green one, I found pretty interesting but
                                                    it seemed like a homemade contraption....
                                                    As for Marie Antoinette, it is so far from my taste....

                                                    And last but not least.....

                                                    2 tape guns for $2.99 !!!
                                                    Guess I'll be bringing the other back for a refund...and I'll get the tape at the dollarstore!


Linda @ A La Carte said...

Score on the tapeguns! I too mostly look now at the thrifts and take much more out then in!!


Cheapchick said...

Great find on the tape gun - so funny that you found it on the day you needed it. That cat is definitely scary. What cat in a hat in his right mind would be smiling lol.

Mick said...

I really like the Marie Anttoinette lamp! Like you said, far from my tastes but im a sucker for intersting things like that!